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Branded Content


Branded Content

Whether you call it branded, sponsored, or partnered content—these articles, videos, and interactive designs are created in collaboration with a paying business. At The Boston Globe’s sponsored content arm, BG BrandLab, we act as a small newsroom—researching, reporting, writing, and editing content that strikes a balance between brands’ values and the Globe audience’s interests.


Building a Family

One nurse’s journey to becoming an adoptive mother.


Your Guide to Vermont Beyond the Slopes

The Green Mountain State may be known for its skiing, but look a little deeper and you’ll discover a world of destinations to add to your travel list.


Training for a Stronger, Longer Life

Women can benefit from strength training at any age, but starting in their 20s can mean slowing some of the effects of aging.


When Our Time Comes

Hospice, which centers care around each individual’s goals and fears, gives new meaning to end of life.


How to Raise a Kind Kid

Today more than ever, the greatest gift a parent can give a child is the ability to empathize.


These US Companies are Taking the Lead in Paid Leave

These innovative companies are offering employees paid leave options beyond what state laws require.

Written by Tom Connor. Edited by Mariya Greeley.


This Local Hospital is Making an International Impact

Boston Children’s Hospital provides hope and answers for families around the world—from Massachusetts to Kenya, Romania, Vietnam, and beyond.

Written by Beverly Ford. Edited by Mariya Greeley.

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Washington D.C.’s Historic Landmarks: Then and Now

See the evolution of some of the United States’ most iconic monuments.

Written by Lindsay Cates. Edited by Mariya Greeley.


Awe-inspiring Icebergs are Closer to New England Than You Might Think

Check ‘iceberg spotting’ off your bucket list this summer along Newfoundland and Labrador's Iceberg Alley.

Written by Debbie Olsen. Edited by Mariya Greeley.


Psychology of a Hack

Hackers aren’t just targeting your computer; they’re targeting your mind.

Written by Eric Reed. Edited by Mariya Greeley.